, pub-5306741404030882, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Tools to Overcome Addiction – Reaching4Recovery

Tools to Overcome Addiction

Posted by Danyelle Landry on

Truth Of Addiction Review – How to Help Someone with Addiction

The Truth of Addiction has the answer to some of the toughest questions about addiction. There are many reasons why some people become addicted, but whatever the reason may be, the Truth Of Addiction program uses evidence-based ways to help anyone overcome their urges, cravings and some of the toughest addiction problems.

The majority of people do not understand why an addict will do almost anything to obtain their drug of choice. Modern science has allowed researchers to understand addiction in a whole new light. It reveals biochemical and neurological explanations of addiction. This contradicts some aspects of most rehabs using a purely psychological or moral model of treatment.

The Truth Of Addiction program is based on evidence-driven practices and gives the reader an in-depth look at how addiction affects the brain and evidence-based ways to address these issues including mindful techniques and behavioral therapy.

In fact, research has shown addiction causes a spike in chemicals about 300%!

The techniques found in the Truth Of Addiction program is a result of over 10 years of evidence-based research by A. Scott Roberts. Claims are backed up by clinical and scientific studies. A. Scott Roberts was a long-time sufferer of addiction and tells his story of becoming addicted at an early age of 15. By using evidence-based practices, he was able to manage his addiction.

Common misconceptions about addiction lead to greater problems. Suppressing cravings, graduating rehabilitation programs and the widely used acute model of addiction treatment is becoming recognized on a national level as having many problems. Using a holistic approach to addiction is vital in recovery. 

You started for pleasure, but continue to use just to feel “normal”…

As mentioned in the Truth Of Addiction e-book, addicts and the loved ones of addicts make common mistakes in mistreating addictions because they aren’t properly understood. There is scientific evidence that suggests some approaches and inexpensive methods can resolve the effects of addiction.

There are many ways to treat addiction, not all one way works for everyone. In my experience, it is a little of all that is the most helpful. This is a tool in your toolbox of recovery. Like just exercise alone doesn’t fix obesity, there needs to be a holistic plan of changing the food, the amount of food, the psychological addiction to food/sugar and the right exercises to combat one of Americas biggest causes of death. 

In order for the brain to operate properly, it must be at balance…

There are essentially two parts of the brain that are constantly at odds…

The Prefrontal Cortex and the Limbic System…

The prefrontal cortex is a higher functioning part of the brain which is rational and logical and it understands consequences…

The limbic system, however, is a primitive brain…

It seeks pleasure and is primarily concerned with avoiding physical or emotional pain…

This is why you feel a part of you wants to quit, while another, strongly urges you to continue…

Watch the video from the link below, it’s a pretty good video on addiction, explains the reasons WHY addiction occurs. Most of this information is from the website Truth about Addiction, however, I have read over the information and find it valuable and hopefully helpful.

Full disclosure: there is a charge of $37.00 for the program, however, how much did you pay for your drug of choice????  WAAAAYYYY more than that right!! For that, what really do you have to lose?? We all need all the help we can get!! And this has excellent reviews so check it out and see what you think


For more information, visit: the official website:

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