WELCOME!!! We are excited you're here, here looking at our store BUT more importantly-YOU'RE here on this earth! Congrats on your recovery!!! Wherever you're at in your journey doesn't matter, what matters is that you're ON your journey of recovery. The roads we traveled to addiction and during our addiction are all different, but ultimately, we all end up in the same desperate place. A place, deep in our souls where the decision of recovery occurs. When we make that life changing decision and start acting on it, doing the work it takes for a successful recovery, our lives gradually get better and we feel better. The good news is that we're HERE now, all reaching for the same thing~recovery. We are reaching for recovery right beside you and we're so happy to see you here! You are welcomed and accepted here!
Products will return shortly... we're revamping items so stay tuned!!! In the mean time, the blog is active.